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Sermon Debrief: "Up and Out"

Pastor Jason

We have come to the end of "Church...On Purpose." The final bit about doing "Church...On Purpose" is that ultimately, everything we do, is about joining God on his mission in the world by living "a life worthy of the calling you have received."

Here are a few question to help keep this final piece of church membership fresh as you go into the week ahead...

  1. In Ephesians 4:1, Paul uses a word ("worthy") that is largely understood as transactional - "I gave you this, so now you give me that." As a rule, it's not a good idea to think of faith and faithful practice in overly transactional ways. However, the point is that God's offer of grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus are expected to illicit a response from us. So...How has your faith and knowledge of the gospel tangibly changed your life? How do your actions, habits, and attitudes show and express gratitude toward what God has done for you?

  2. In an effort at prioritizing outreach, churches have historically tended to categorize things as inward or outward focused. The thinking is that some things are better suited for believers (discipleship, Bible studies) while others are better at drawing and attracting non-believers (events, service projects, paint). Acts 2:42-46 shows the early church drawing enormous numbers of new believers, precisely because of their focus on "inward" focused things. What is your sense of why the early church experienced so much outreach success from what they were doing? What are some real-life examples of this outward-inward conflict that you have experienced? How do you see that playing out at OHC? Are there aspects to this that you may need to reconsider and let go of?

  3. The Membership Covenant lists four examples of carrying out a mission commitment: Attend faithfully, Godly living, give regularly, use your gifts. Do some self-assessment; Do you sense that God may be challenging you in any of these areas right now? How so? What is a commitment you and/or your family could make in these four missional activities?

  4. We often feel pressure to evangelize every person who comes our way. But if everyone in the church put their efforts and focus into just one person - praying for them, watching for opportunities to share your faith or invite them to church - and that one person eventually senses God's leading, OHC would double in size! That's an ideal, but that should stop us from at least trying. Identify one person or family who God has put on your heart. Begin praying for them, find opportunities to strengthen your relationship with them, look for a moment to invite them to church or to walk beside them as they submit to Jesus' lordship over their life. Who are they? How do you know them? Consider sharing them with your family, your small group, or another believer you trust.

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